iMA3X е уникална онлайн система за себеопознаване и себеразвитие. Изключителни онлайн обучения от трима топ специалисти. Повече знания. Повече хармония. Мощни техники и ефективни подходи.


Anton Balkandzhiev


Специални благодарности за безрезервната подкрепа и безценните съвети на
Iliana Koleva, Krasimira Koicheva, Pencho Tsanev and Milko Aleksandrov (NewwwDesign)

About The Project

place for close people

          Добре дошъл в приключението​ iMA3X – първата онлайн система в световен мащаб, състояща се от 9 модула, която обединява резултата от духовното израстване, истинското себепознание и финансовата свобода.

          Първи сме в още нещо и то с огромно значение – iMА3X  е място за БЛИЗКИ ХОРА!

          You do not need to look for the balance between the time you spend on your goals and the time you spend on the closest and most valuable people in your life, because you will achieve everything TOGETHER!

          Have you ever thought that any training was worth the money? Ours allows you to make money enough to accomplish everything you dreamed of! How is this even possible to happen?

          Again! It's all a matter of logic!

          How does our iMA3X Mandala referral program work?

innovative referral program


Could the words "self-development" and "financial stability" stand side by side? Our primary mission is to prove to you that the answer is 100% positive without any hesitation.


Do you have a personal goal that you always wanted to achieve? We are here to support you because we believe that everything in this world is reciprocity, so we created iMA3X! Shared knowledge is wealth!


And will you be able to spend enough time on your personal goals and your loved ones? You will not have to choose! Because iMA3X is a place for close ones to do everything together!